Rake Structure

Rake is a fee collected from hands according to the rake chart.

What is considered as Rake hand?

A hand in which rake was taking out from the pot is considered as a rake hand. A player is considered to play a rake hand if a hand has generated at least 0.01 in rake for that player when cards were dealt.

When Rake is calculating?

  • If the pot size is more than or equal to preset one for such type of game and number of players.

How to calculate Rake?

Table 1. Rake calculation for No-Limit & Pot-Limit

Limit Number of players Pot size Maximum Rake
Up to 0.5/1 Any .05 for 1 3
Up to 5/10 Any .05 for 1 4
5/10 & above Any .05 for 1 5

Table 2. Rake calculation for Limit games

Limit Number of players Pot size Maximum Rake
Up to 1/2 Any .05 for 1 1
2/4 & 5/10 Any .50 for 10 2
10/20 & above Any .50 for 20 5