Poker Probability Chart
In the world of poker, where skill and strategy converge, understanding and using probability can have a major impact on a player’s success. Poker is a lot about math and statistics. Playing the game with a strategy that follows poker probability right and considers the odds undoubtedly increases your chances of winning the pot amount. Poker probability involves assessing the likelihood of certain events occurring, such as the chance of being able to make a specific hand or winning the pot. Poker odds chart is another name for the Poker Probability chart that helps poker players in working out the odds of winning a hand in Poker.
Poker Hands Probability
Hand | Frequency | Odds Against | Probability (%) |
Royal flush | 4 | 6,49,739 : 1 | 0.000154 |
Straight flush | 36 | 72,192.33 : 1 | 0.00139 |
Four of a kind | 624 | 4,165 : 1 | 0.02401 |
Full house | 3744 | 693.1667 : 1 | 0.1441 |
Flush | 5108 | 508.8019 : 1 | 0.1965 |
Straight | 10200 | 253.8 : 1 | 0.3925 |
Three of a kind | 54912 | 46.32955 : 1 | 2.1128 |
Two pair | 123552 | 20.03535 : 1 | 4.7539 |
One pair | 1098240 | 1.366477 : 1 | 42.2569 |
High Card/No Pair | 1302540 | 0.9953015 : 1 | 50.1177 |
How To Calculate The Poker Hand Probabilities?
When it comes to poker, it’s important to consider the probability of different hand outcomes. One crucial factor to note is how the equity spread varies depending on the number of opponents you face in a hand. The equity, or the value of each player’s hand, tends to decrease when playing against multiple opponents compared to a one-on-one situation. This is because the equity gets divided and distributed among the remaining players.
Let’s take the example of having Pocket Aces, one of the strongest starting hands in poker. Against a range of opponents that includes:
- Any pocket pair
- Any suited Ace
- Any two broadway cards
- Suited connectors: 54s to T9s
- One-gapped suited connectors: 86s to J9s, Q9s, K9s
Mastering the Use of Poker Odds Charts A.K.A. Poker Probability Charts
Poker probability charts serve as invaluable tools that guide decision-making when faced with drawing hands be it a flush or a straight draw. Poker odds chart enables you to compare the pot odds—the ratio of the current pot size to the cost of your potential call—with the odds of completing your draw. This analysis helps you determine whether it’s profitable to call bets of varying sizes from your opponents.
The primary use of poker odds charts is to calculate pot odds accurately.
While it’s possible to mentally calculate the odds of completing a draw, these charts provide a convenient reference, particularly for quick calculations or beginners who are just starting out. However, it’s advisable to gradually familiarize yourself with the most common odds over time, allowing you to rely less on reference charts during gameplay.
By understanding and utilizing poker odds charts effectively, you gain a competitive edge in assessing the value of your drawing hands and making informed decisions at the poker table. As you become more experienced, you’ll develop a deeper intuition for the odds, enabling you to make quicker and more accurate judgments in real-time situations.
Understanding Common Odds and Probabilities in Poker
In Poker, certain odds and probabilities play a crucial role in shaping the game. Learning these common odds empower you to make more informed decisions and strategize effectively. The following are the two fundamental aspects:
1) The likelihood of being dealt certain hole cards
2) The odds of flopping a made hand.
The Likelihood of Being Dealt Certain Hole Cards in Poker
When considering the likelihood or the odds of receiving specific hole cards, such as AK (Ace-King), we can apply basic calculations with a poker probability chart. For instance, there are four Aces and four Kings in a deck, resulting in a total of 16 combinations of AK (suited and unsuited). Among these 16 combinations, four are suited, leaving 12 unsuited combinations of unpaired hands. This principle applies to any non-paired hands.
For pocket pairs, there are six combinations for each value. By understanding these numbers, we can estimate the probability of receiving certain combinations of hole cards. For example, Pocket Aces will occur approximately once every 221 hands on average, as there are six combinations out of a total of 1,326 possible combinations. Specific suited hands, on the other hand, occur less frequently than pocket pairs due to having only four combinations per holding. Consequently, a hand like AKs will be dealt, on average, once every 332 hands, making Pocket Aces more common than AKs.
The Odds of Flopping a Made Hand
While the previous section focused on the odds of receiving certain hole card combinations, it’s equally important to understand the probabilities of these hole cards improving on specific flops. Here’s a chart detailing the chances of flopping a made hand of varying strengths based on your starting hand:
Hole Cards | In the Flop Round (Your Hand) | Probability (Percentage) | Odds in Favour |
Unpaired Cards | A Pair | 29.0% | 1 in 3.5 |
Pocket Pair | A Set | 11.8% | 1 in 8.5 |
Connected Cards (JT thru 54) |
A Straight | 1.3% | 1 in 77 |
Suited Connectors | A Flush | 0.8% | 1 in 119 |
Here are the equity percentages that Pocket Aces have against such opponents:
Against one opponent: 83.4%
Against two opponents: 70.6%
Against three opponents: 60.2%
Against four opponents: 51.4%
As you can see, the likelihood of winning with Pocket Aces decreases as the number of opponents increases. These percentages give you an idea of the relative strength of your hand in different scenarios.
Understanding these probabilities is essential for making informed decisions during a poker game. By considering the equity spread and the number of opponents, you can assess the strength of your hand and adjust your strategy accordingly.
Remember, it’s crucial to analyze the probabilities and adjust your gameplay accordingly, ensuring a better chance of success in the long run.