Poker Principles
Poker has some key principles to keep things running smoothly and make sure everyone’s on the same page. These principles also help you come up with smart strategies to win. Hands in poker are ranked based on how strong they are, and these rules decide which hands are better than others. Remember, there are different versions of poker out there. Let’s talk about a few poker principles you should stick to when playing poker. With BLITZPOKER, it’s easier to grasp these principles seamlessly, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable gaming experience.
Poker Principle #1 The Position is a Key Poker Principle.
Understanding where you sit in the game is super important. Imagine this: if you have two really good poker players facing off, and one of them always gets to go last in every hand, they’re likely to end up with all the chips. That’s how crucial a position can be. Sometimes, even if you’re not the best player, having the right position can help you win against someone who’s better. To make the most money, try to sit in front of the less experienced players. Also, make sure the tough opponents are sitting on your left side.
Poker Principle #2 Tight And Aggressive (TAG) Playing Helps Wins At The Lower Stakes.
Tight and aggressive, or TAG for short, can really pay off, especially if you’re just starting out and playing at lower stakes in poker.
So, what does it mean to be tight and aggressive? Well, it’s all about carefully choosing which hands to play before the flop, paying close attention to where you’re sitting at the table, and then really going for it after the flop. But here’s the thing – while this strategy usually works well, there are times, especially in low-stakes games online or in person, where it might not be as effective.
Poker Principle #3 Loose and Aggressive (LAG) Dominates at the Lower Stakes.
For those aiming to achieve the highest possible win rates in low-stakes games, adopting a loose and aggressive (LAG) approach is recommended. This strategy entails playing a wider range of hands before the flop and maintaining aggressive play after the flop.
The effectiveness of this approach in micro-stakes games stems from exploiting the primary weakness of most low-stakes players – their tendency to play too conservatively and passively (hesitant to engage in large pots without a strong hand). However, this strategy is not recommended for newer players as it involves making more marginal decisions and dealing with greater variance.
Advanced and experienced players, on the other hand, should consider transitioning from a tight-aggressive (TAG) style to a loose-aggressive (LAG) approach.
Also See: Types of Poker Players: 10 Different Poker Personalities
Poker Principle #4 The Essence of the Game Lies Within Your Mind.
In Poker, it’s widely acknowledged that the game can push players to their limits. Many players face tough beats, unfortunate hands, and frustrating moments that can test their sanity.
However, one of the poker principles is to adopt a mindset that allows you to brush off these challenges with a sense of humour. Long-term success in poker heavily relies on maintaining mental resilience and composure. Unfortunately, numerous players fail to achieve success in poker because they become too emotionally involved in short-term setbacks. This emotional reaction often leads to a loss of focus and poor decision-making, ultimately resulting in financial losses.
This cycle tends to repeat itself, as players struggle to break free from their own mental barriers. Nevertheless, it’s important to recognise that poker is not just a game of cards, but also a mental challenge. The true test lies in whether one can remain mentally strong and composed, even in the face of adversity. This ability sets successful players apart from the rest.
Poker Principle #5 Exploit the Profit Source.
When you’ve identified inexperienced players, it’s crucial to capitalize on the opportunity to generate income. Traditional guidelines, such as bet sizing, are often disregarded when playing against opponents from around the globe. This strategy is extensively discussed in “Crushing the Micro Stakes.” Instead of adhering to standard practices, you should aim to extract the maximum possible value from these inexperienced players. This method is widely celebrated as a remarkable achievement in the history of online poker, particularly at the micro-stakes level.
Despite advancements in poker strategy, some players still make the mistake of not fully capitalizing on their strong hands when facing inexperienced opponents. To truly succeed in poker, it’s essential to consistently pressure inexperienced players into making larger bets.
Poker Principle #6 The Focus Is Not on You; It’s on Them.
Countless poker books have been read, numerous courses studied, multiple coaches hired, and thousands of hours spent reviewing hands to fix leaks.
Undoubtedly, all this time you spend studying poker improves your poker skills. However, it was never about personal skills to begin with. Poker is a game played between people. If people who are worse at this game are consistently found and played against, then winning is inevitable.
It doesn’t matter if the player is the 6th worst poker player in the world. Playing with the top 5 worst poker players in the world ensures victory. Therefore, the most important poker principle is to take table selection very, very seriously. It is far more important than probably thought.
Poker Principle #7 Money Is The Key Poker Principle.
In poker, the primary principle revolves around money. Participation requires putting in the same amount of cash as the other players. A crucial element of the game involves using money or chips for playing. Similarly, it’s advisable to avoid losing to inexperienced players. It’s best to invest in the game as soon as funds are available. This approach enables more effective and profitable gameplay.
Poker Principle #8 No Power Over Poker Cards.
Poker revolves around guessing and showing what might come next. You can’t control the cards dealt. All you can do is guess what cards might come your way. The twist? You only control your moves, not the cards. This rule highlights the game’s creativity and the need for strategic thinking.
Poker Principle #9 Learning from Poker Mistakes.
Every mistake, failure, or loss you face in poker is a lesson in disguise. Your biggest blunders and toughest moments teach you more than anything else. It’s important to accept that mistakes happen. Letting a mistake snowball into something bigger is the biggest mistake of all. Instead of dwelling on your errors for hours, it’s wiser to jot down what went wrong, the lessons learned, and how to avoid repeating them in the future in your poker journal. One of the key poker principles is to try again, accept it, and learn from it. That’s the game’s motto for new players.
Poker Principle #10 Mastering the Flop in Poker.
One of the key strategies emphasized in The Micro Stakes Playbook, is floating the flop. It’s a highly effective tactic, especially against lower-stakes players, because many of them have a big difference between how often they bet on the flop compared to the turn.
Simply put, they might bet on the flop, but if you stay in the hand and they don’t improve on the turn (which happens a lot), they’ll usually give up. Then, you can make a moderate bet when they check to you on the turn and win pot after pot with what might be the weaker hand.
Poker Principle #11 Preflop 4bets are Usually the Nuts.
Preflop 4-bets are often a sign of a very strong hand. However, they’re still seen as bold moves in today’s games. Players may use the 4Bet Ratio statistic to gauge their strength. At lower stakes, most players tend to have a 4Bet Ratio of 1 or 2, indicating they hold premium hands like AA, KK, and occasionally QQ or AK. In other words, they play tight. Despite the frequency of 3-bets, players still take notice when someone makes a 4Bet. It’s a sign they’re serious.
Poker Principle #12 Preflop 3bets Are A Dime A Dozen.
Preflop 3-bets, on the other hand, are more common. In the early days of online poker, a 3Bet typically indicated a very strong hand like AA or KK, with QQ or AK occasionally thrown in. But times have changed. Nowadays, players at all levels, even at lower stakes, are comfortable 3-betting with a wide range of hands, including small and medium pairs, suited connectors, and high cards. This means you need to be more cautious in your position, as players are 3-betting with a wider range. Adjust accordingly and consider widening your 4-betting range. One of the important poker principles is recognising that preflop 3-bets are now a dime a dozen.
Poker Principle #13 Turn Raises are Usually the Nuts.
Turn raises remain a strong indicator of a powerful hand, typically stronger than just one pair. Usually, it’s at least two pair or even better. For example, if you raise with pocket Aces before the flop, bet on the flop, and your opponent calls, then raises on the turn, chances are they have a hand that beats your Aces.
It’s not until higher stakes games that you’ll see players bluffing with turn raises or raising with weaker hands.
Poker Principle #14 River Raises are Always the Nuts.
River raises are almost always a sign of the best possible hand, especially at micro stakes. This is because many micro-stakes players lack the confidence to bluff in this situation.
Most players at lower stakes tend to play cautiously, avoiding big bets unless they have a strong hand. So, when they raise on the river, they usually have a hand that beats yours.
Although it can be tough, one of the poker principles is to fold your one-pair hand when facing a river raise. In poker, there’s no room for emotional calls. Only make decisions based on the strength of your hand and the likelihood of winning the pot.
Poker Principle #15 Always Playing Over Rolled.
To maintain sanity while playing poker, sticking to a more conservative bankroll management approach compared to most players is advisable.
Although suggesting having 30 or 40 buy-ins, opting for a safer route with around 100 buy-ins provides mental assurance to handle any downturn in luck.
Faced with a typical 20 buy-in downswing, it can be shrugged off because there are plenty of backup buy-ins left. However, someone with only a 40 buy-in bankroll will likely feel the pressure when facing such a significant downturn.