Early Stage Poker Tournament Strategy
The early stage of a poker tournament is much like a cash game. Stacks are still large compared to the blinds. The big difference is you can’t usually re-buy in a tournament. So, in tournaments, it’s crucial not to lose all your chips in one hand, as this means you’re out. Players have different opinions on early stage tournament play before antes start. An effective early stage poker tournament strategy helps in building a solid chip stack, establishing a strong table image, and setting the foundation for success later in the game.
Some believe the pre-ante phase of an MTT is just a cash game with tournament chips. Others feel it’s pointless to enter a tournament before antes begin, thinking the “real” tournament starts with the antes. Both views have valid points, but there are many factors to consider when understanding pre-ante levels of MTTs. For an unparalleled online poker experience in India, join the action at BLITZPOKER.
Early Stage Poker Tournament Strategy
Tight is Right
Many inexperienced players think they can play marginal hands in the early phase of a tournament because the blinds are low, allowing them to see the flop cheaply. This thinking is wrong! Actually, the opposite is true. There’s little reason to play marginal hands since the blinds are small compared to the stacks. Play this phase very tightly by only playing strong hands to exploit the loose style of your opponents.
Early Position
In early position, only play premium hands like JJ, QQ, KK, AA, and AK. By focusing on these hands, you can often knock out bad players simply by having the better hand.
High Pairs
You should always aim at rasing preflop for Pocket pairs ranging from 1010 to AA. They can make you a lot of money and need to be protected by a raise to prevent opponents from improving their hands cheaply. If players before or after you raise more than once, fold hands like TT and JJ. Even with a single raise after yours, consider folding and waiting for a better opportunity. This decision depends on the opponent.
Big Broadway Cards
A-K and A-Q are strong hands and should be played similarly to high pairs preflop – AK like aces and kings, and AQ like a pair of tens.
Early Stage Poker Tournament Strategy: Late Position
In later positions, you can also play smaller pairs and suited connectors like 7♥ 6♥.
Small Pairs
Pocket pairs from 22 to 99 can win many chips if they turn into a set. If not, these hands are worth nothing. Try to see the flop cheaply and hope for a set. “Cheaply” means limping in middle or late position or calling a raise up to a tenth of your stack if in late position. Fold these hands in early position.
Suited Connectors
Hands like 6♥ 7♥ or J♠ 9♠ can be played like small pairs, speculating on a flush or a straight.
Small Broadway Cards
Small Broadway cards like A-T, K-J, Q-T, and J-T must be played cautiously in this phase. If they are not suited or if there has been a raise, fold! An exception is if you are in late position with several players who have only paid the big blind or called a minimum raise. The big problem with these hands is that they are often dominated by better hands.
Common Mistake
A common mistake is playing cards that are easily dominated against raises from early position, like AQ, KQ, and AJ. These hands are weak against hands typically raised in early position.
Early Stage Poker Tournament Strategy: Stealing the Blinds
In the early phase, the blinds are very small compared to your stack, making them unimportant. With a stack of 1,500 chips and blinds at 10/20, winning the blinds increases your stack by only 2%. This must be seen in conjunction with the risk of losing many chips if you go wrong. Therefore, don’t steal the blinds with weak and marginal hands early on. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t attack the blinds with stronger hands like pairs, aces with strong kickers, and suited connectors.
Objectives of the Tight Game
- Enter the pot as favourites and win our opponents’ chips. Good starting hand selection makes later betting decisions easier.
- Create a tight image for later phases. Playing tight early means that when blinds are higher, you’ll be seen as a “rock” who only plays strong hands, enabling you to steal or bluff.
Problem with Tight Play
One issue with tight play is that when you get good hands, you often get less action from opponents. If you fold often and raise only once every twenty hands, even the least observant players will notice and fold weaker hands.
Disadvantages for Skilled Players
Good and very good players might find this type of game limiting. They can make something out of weaker hands like small pairs or high Broadway cards (e.g. A♠ Q♠).
Optimum Play Early Stage Poker Tournament Strategy
The best strategy includes playing a few hands – small Broadway hands and suited connectors – in late position that aren’t very strong but have potential.